World Bushido Federation
Pro Martial Arts
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World Bushido Federation
World Bushido Federation Honduras
About World Bushido Federation
Pro Martial Arts
Committee of World Bushido Federation
GM. Jorge A Borjas
Founder / President
Dr. Simon Kook
Global General Secretary
Sensei Fernando Velasquez
President of World Bushido Federation Honduras
Vice President Bushido Federation Asia
Master Ado Adem Dulas
President Bushido Federation Europe
GM Soke Raúl Gutierrez López
Vice-president Bushido Federation in Europe
General Petkov
General Secretary of World Bushido Federation in Europe
GM. Alain Cohen
General Secretary of World Bushido Federation in the Middle East
GM. Zorigor
Vice-president World Bushido Federation in the Middle East
GM. Antonio Marin
Global Vice-president
GM Richard Norton
Global Vice-president
GM Rigan Machado
President Global Technical Committee
Hanshi GM Ray Torres
founder of the Torres Hei Long System